Copy of J. M. MaKampson/McKampson and Alice Lelay? (Clay)
Affidavit for Marriage License

September 25, 1896

Whenever someone transcribes old records, sometimes the old style writing is hard to read and therefore I receive email's or letters telling me the correct version. In some cases the name or spelling changes over the years, other cases the county clerk or whoever recorded it wrong. There are many reasons for the variations in spelling. Whatever the reason and whenever possible, I try to put both or more versions on the record out at the same time, so those researching can make their own decision's about the information.

This is the case with J. M. MaKampson/McKampson and Alice LeLay? (Clay) on their prenuptial dated Sept 25, 1896 and record number 25b in the Mills County Pre Nuptials. The record is in hand writing.

Notes for Affivadits above
Page 25b.   Sharon Ivy, hello..
thank you very much for your web site, I have much about Mills County. Especially Goldthwaite where I found marriage records on paternal ggrandparents, 1893-l906, page7,#25 B ,Sept 25, 1896, bridegroom McKampson J.M. correct spelling
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 1999 14:58:15 -0600
From: "Jeanne Ann McKampson Bruton" [email protected]

These affidavits were sworn statements that the individuals were of age and that there were no objections to their marriage. These were not actual marriage licenses, but most of the couples considered them to be and never obtained an actual license.

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