Param Tompson Hall 1827-1906
Dave Hall, had placed a query on the San Saba TX GenConnect Board in reference to Param Thomas Hall and so I contacted him to get more information so that I could add his ancestor to the Rock Springs Cemetery listing (apparently I missed the headstone on the inital survey in 1998. I will try and get a photo and add later.)
Dave wrote that the family believes Mr. Hall to be buried in the Rock Springs Cemetery per family history and the delayed death record.
In 1978 Two persons signed affidavit for a death certificate with that belief (72 years after the death) They both swore that the statements were true and correct to the best of their knowledge and that they were acquainted with the facts at the time of the event. So based on the statements they were older than 72 years of age and are probably passed on now, 28 years later. This record can be found in the Mills County TX Death Book A, page 54.
The death record gives the time of death as 10:00 a.m. on June 27, 1906 in the Godwin Community and the cause was Cancer. Birth date is Listed as Feb 19, 1828 but Dave said that is wrong year and the the father, may really be Hiram Metcalf C. Hall instead of William Tompson, the mother listed is correct.
NOTE from Vernon Hord: He wrote that "(Lydia Margarette Holden), the wife of
Hiram Metcalf Hall (Texas Ranger). " A small newspaper account in 1906 did not give time of death and had the cause as Dropsy in the early morning hours. It did not give burial location, but wrote that he was living in the Rock Springs Community. Two cemeteries were used by that area, it depended on which cemetery he was closest to as in those years, some were buried within a few hours of dying. |
The headstone is not near the older graves that were buried in the early years but on the other side of the roadway. (Quote from Dave Hall email: "His Goldthwaite headstone is standing up and is about 18 inches tall and about 15 inches wide. It is a flat field stone with P.T. Hall inscribed. There is no date or other data on the stone. His grave is located on the right side of the dirt road leading in from the front gate. It seems it was
about half way to the back of the cemetery and located close to the road." end quote)
Dave wrote that Param Tompson HALL has another headstone (Memorial CSA stone) in Wrights Creek Cem in Llano, TX next to his wife and daughter. Comment from Dave Hall: She remarried after P.T. died and is buried at Wrights Creek Cem in Llano
NOTE: according to another researcher (Vernon Hord), (Lydia Margarette (Holden) Jones is P.T. Hall's mother and not P.T. Hall's wife. Quote "On the information posted on Param Tompson Hall, the Lydia Jones that you mentioned as being his wife was actually his mother (Lydia Margarette Holden), the wife of Hiram Metcalf Hall (Texas Ranger). She remarried after Hiram was killed 1839 by Indians at the Battle of Bird's Creek in Bell County. Hiram M. Hall is listed in the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame in Waco." unquote
Vernon Hord submitted the following information that the family accepts as the true and correct information about P.T. Hall.
Corrections for the information posted on Param Tompson Hall
The Lydia Jones that you mentioned as being his wife was actually his mother (Lydia Margarette Holden), the wife of Hiram Metcalf Hall (Texas Ranger). She remarried after Hiram was killed 1839 by Indians at the Battle of Bird's
Creek in Bell County. Hiram M. Hall is listed in the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame in Waco.
Param T. Hall's first wife was Mary Lucy Lander Owens (not Lydia Jones) m. 3 Aug 1854 who died in Llano County, TX, 7 Sep 1882. He remarried 19 Dec 1888 to Aliff, the widow of William H. Leverett, Sr. She is the Mrs. Hall whose obit you have posted dtd 19 Nov 1913 (Goldthwaite Eagle). She was the mother of William Leverett, Jr. (by her first husband) and Ira Hall (by Param T. Hall). In 1920, William H. Leverett and Ira Hall were living in Polk Co.,AR (ED 105 pg 7a).
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For further information, Contact Dave Hall [email protected]
Name: Peggyann Bankston Mays
Date: 2003-06-10
All the information is GREAT. How can I correct an omission on the Param Tompson Hall listing? My grandmother was Margaret Pearl Leverett B Dec.1876, sister to William H. Leverett Jr. and half sister to Ira Tompson Hall, These men are listed by Dave Hall and Vernon Hord and use the death certificate for info on P.T.Hall that my mother,Margaret Vera Jackson Bankston, noterized and signed in 1978. It gave his correct birthdate 1828 not 1928 (I have a copy) (NOTE: I (the webmaster) am the one who accidently typed 1928 instead of 1828- It was just a webmaster typo and not something Mr. Hall wrote). Mr.Hord keeps arguing about my mother's information being correct and that my grandmother, Margaret Pearl "Maggie" Leverett, was not listed in the 1880 census for wm. Leverett & Aliff Lloyd Leverett (my g-grandmother) "Maggie" however is listed in the 1900 San Saba census for P.T.Hall & Aliff Lloyd Leverett Hall (her 2nd husband)with her Brother W.H. Leverett Jr. and Half brother Ira Hall. I have Margaret Pearl"Maggie" Leverett's delayed, 1943 birthcertificate that lists her father Wm.H. Leverett and mother Aliff Lloyd,Birthin Llano co. Tx. Please correct this omission so this site will give out the correct information. Thanks.
Goldthwaite Eagle-Mullin Enterprise June 30,1906 ( Please Note: the microfilm readers prints in reverse image, after converting back to a postive image a poor copy becomes poorer, this is the best I could make the image look)

I was unable to find an obituary for Mr. Hall |
Partial copy of Death Record So signature and names of signee's are protected in case they are still livingMills County TX Death Book A page 54- please note that this certificate was pasted on to a page that was journal type record book with one line across two pages per entry.  | |
Section for Affidavit A & B with signatures of possible living persons removed |  |
Partial page of Death Record for the actual time period One line across two pages, this only shows the left hand page. but these are the only other 1906 deaths recorded in the county.
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