The surnames on this page have sent by email from persons researching those surnames. The names of the person or persons researching a surname will include a e-mail link so you can send an e-mail to the person and a homepage address if there is one.
Surname | Researcher(s) | Home Page |
ABSHER | Rena Anderson Pittman | None |
ANDERSON | Allen Knight | None |
ARRWOOD may also be spelled ARROWOOD. | Lynn Denton | None |
Barnes | Joe Lee | None |
BARRINGTON | S A Erickson | |
BURL/BERL | [email protected] | Came to the Mullins area, now in Mills County, while it was still in Brown County - ca 1860-65 |
Berry | K Epley | None |
Bohanon | Nina Bohanon | None |
Bowden | Carolyn | None |
Bradley | Joe Lee |
None |
Braggs | Roger Bull | |
Brooks | Keith G. Brooks | NONE |
Bull | Roger Bull | None |
Bull | Judy Wigley |
Searching for descendants of Ambrose BULL |
BURDETTE | Jan Moreland Laughlin | Other surnames researching are: DENNIS, ROSS , LANE, MORELAND. |
COLLIER | Amy Hairston Hull | None "I have lots of info on the families of HAIRSTON, O'NEAL, COLLIER, and COVINGTON if anyone needs help." |
Cambell | Christine Fung | None |
Casbeer | John Casbeer | None |
Carlisle | Rena Anderson Pittman | None |
Car(r)away | ||
Chambers | Linda Hill | See 1997 query page |
Chappell | Clint Chappell | None |
Chesser | Ivan R. Chesser ***************** Jen Peel |
- |
Clark | Bill Clark | None |
CLEMENTS | Cynthia Miles | Wesley Duke Clements and Tillie Saylor Clements. |
CONLAN | Shanell Quinn | |
Conner | Bob Smith | See 1997 query page |
Conway | Jammie Lynn Conway Jr. | |
COPELAND | Roger Bull | |
COVINGTON | Amy Hairston Hull | None "I have lots of info on the families of HAIRSTON, O'NEAL, COLLIER, and COVINGTON if anyone needs help." |
CRABB | Mary Ellen Ledford | None |
DALTON | Dan Faries | none |
DALTON | Amelia Allen | She is researching, Dalton, James and Sexton's in Mills county, TX |
DANIEL | Roger Bull | |
DENNIS | Jan Moreland Laughlin | Other surnames researching are: LANE, BURDETTE, MORELAND, ROSS. |
DONOWHO | [email protected] | None |
DUREN | Mary A. DeBevec | Is anyone there in Mills County working on the DUREN family tree? Would like to hook up with some lost cousin who wants to work with me since I'm in Ohio. Thanks, Mary Ann |
ELLIOTT | Carolyn | None |
EPLEY | K Epley |
None |
ETHRIDGE/ETHRIGE | [email protected] | Came to the Mullins area, now in Mills County, while it was still in Brown County - ca 1860-65 |
FAULKNER | Shanell Quinn | |
FINKLIA | Roger Bull | |
GAINES | Kelly Tolbert | None |
GARDENER | Mary Ellen Ledford | None |
GARNER | Kirsten Lamberton | None "I don't have a web page, but would be happy to correspond with other researchers." |
GEESLIN | Billy Hardcastle | looking for GEESLINs in Mills county, Texas and elsewhere. Lineage starts with Hubert Coy GEESLIN b.1898, d.1978 in
Goldthwaite,Texas. No Home Page |
GILBERT | Roger Bull | |
GRAY | Allen Knight | None |
GRIMES | Shelley Way | |
GUINN | Shanell Quinn | |
HALL | Peggyann Bankston Mays | None |
HARMON | Dan Faries | None |
HARMON | Kirsten Lamberton | None "I don't have a web page, but would be happy to correspond with other researchers." |
HARRIS | Joe David Rena Anderson Pittman |
None See Current Mills County Query Page |
HAWKINS | Jen Peel | None |
HARVEY | David Harvey | None |
Head | Clint Chappell | None |
Hensley | Wylie & Pat Basham | None |
Hester | Joe David | Joe David Home Page |
HIGGINBOTHAM | Jen Peel | None |
Hobbs |
Sue Hobbs | None |
Hogan | Roger Bull | |
HOLLINGSHEAD | Shanell Quinn | |
Hoots | Linda Hill | See 1997 query page |
Huckaby/Huckabee | Mary L Huckaby | None |
HUFFMAN | Kirsten Lamberton | None "I don't have a web page, but would be happy to correspond with other researchers." |
HUDGENS | S A Erickson | |
HUITT/HUGHITT | Jeanne Bruton | None at this time |
Hurst | Barbara A. Hurst | See 1997 query page |
Irwin | Susie | |
ISENHOWER | [email protected] | None |
Ivy | ||
JAMES | Amelia Allen | She is researching, Dalton, James and Sexton's in Mills county, TX |
JACKSON | Peggyann Bankston Mays | none |
Jenkins | Karen Taylor | None at this time, Any one researching this surname, would be glad to communicate. |
Karnes | Shirley Runnels | Shirley Shipman Runnels Genealogy Page |
Keen | Paul Keen | None |
Kennemer | Mary Ellen Ledford | None |
Kincheloe | Jim Kincheloe | None |
KNIGHT | Allen Knight | None |
Ladd | Sandra Cochran | |
LAMPMAN | Jen Peel | None |
Lancaster | Roger Bull | |
Lane | Lucky Lane | None |
LANE | Jan Moreland Laughlin | Other surnames researching are: DENNIS, BURDETTE, MORELAND, ROSS. |
Lee | Joe Lee | None |
LEVERETT | Peggyann Bankston Mays | none |
Lewis | Russ N Cindy | Researching the families of James Anderson WEST married to Buena Almina STANTON and Asa Lee LEWIS married to Mary Matilda SORRELLS. |
Long | Ron Long | None |
Long | Dan Faries | none |
Lubke/Luebke | Lubke | None |
Makampson | Jeanne Bruton | None at this time |
MASON | Shanell Quinn | |
McAlexander | Benny Hurdle | None at this time, Any one researching this surname, would be glad to communicate. |
McCASLAND | Shanell Quinn | |
McCullum | Dan Faries | none |
McDaniel | ![]() |
McDaniel Home page |
MCGLOTHLIN | Allen Knight | None |
McKinney | Rena Anderson Pittman | See Current Mills County Query Page |
McKimmey | Lillian McKimmey | None |
Meyer | Linda Haston Holzgraf | None |
Miller | Sue McDonald | None |
MORELAND | Jan Moreland Laughlin | Other surnames researching are: DENNIS, BURDETTE, LANE, ROSS. |
Morris | Wylie & Pat Basham | None |
Mount Olive Church/Cemetery | Dale Crawford | Mount Olive Church Information |
Nichols | Shirley Runnels | Shirley Shipman Runnels Genealogy Page |
Nieman or Niemann | ||
O"NEAL | Amy Hairston Hull | None "I have lots of info on the families of HAIRSTON, O'NEAL, COLLIER, and COVINGTON if anyone needs help." |
PAINE | Ward Paine | New address update- |
PENNINGTON | S A Erickson | |
Perkins | Rena Anderson Pittman | See Current Mills County Query Page |
Pickens | Shelley Way | |
Pittman | Rena Anderson Pittman | See Current Mills County Query Page |
Porter | None | |
Pritchard | James Jefferson Pritchard and family lived around Goldthwaite in the 1920 time frame. | |
Pyburn | Shirley Runnels | Shirley Shipman Runnels Genealogy Page |
Queen | Dan Stevenson Teddy Noye |
in Mills County from at least 1880 to 1905. |
RANDLES | Dan Faries | none |
RANDLES | Kirsten Lamberton | None "I don't have a web page, but would be happy to correspond with other researchers." |
Reynolds | Sue McDonald | None |
Reid | Lucky Lane | None |
Reeves | Christine Fung | None |
Roberts | Darla Rohan | See 1997 query page |
Roe | Patricia Quinn | Alvin Silliman "Jake" Roe married Myrtle Armanda Teague. |
ROBINSON | Jen Peel | None |
Ross | Beth Pang | None |
ROSS | Jan Moreland Laughlin | Other surnames researching are: DENNIS, BURDETTE, LANE, MORELAND. |
Runnels | Shirley Runnels | Shirley Shipman Runnels Genealogy Page |
Savage | Shelley Way | |
Schuster | Lubke Jac Schuster |
None None |
SEXTON | Amelia Allen | She is researching, Dalton, James and Sexton's in Mills county, TX |
SHACKLES | Kirsten Lamberton | None "I don't have a web page, but would be happy to correspond with other researchers." |
SHEFFIELD(SHERFIELD) | Joe David | Joe David Home Page |
SHEFFIELD/SHERFIELD | [email protected] | None |
Shipman | Shirley Runnels | Shirley Shipman Runnels Genealogy Page |
Shuler | Tina Shuler-Casey | |
Smith | Darla Rohan | See Current query page |
Sorrells | Russ N Cindy | Researching the families of James Anderson WEST married to Buena Almina STANTON and Asa Lee LEWIS married to Mary Matilda SORRELLS. |
Stanton | Russ N Cindy | Researching the families of James Anderson WEST married to Buena Almina STANTON and Asa Lee LEWIS married to Mary Matilda SORRELLS. |
Stewart | Shelly | Lewis and Shores Genealogy Page |
Steinman | Jim Kincheloe | none |
Stoval | Shelly | none |
STRALEY | Peggyann Bankston Mays | none |
Strickland | Roger Bull | |
Sullivan | Roger Bull | |
Teague | Patricia Quinn | Myrtle Armanda Teague Roe, born 1885 Bell County, Texas. We are hoping to find more ancestors and take the line further back from William Swaim Teague. |
Joe David | Joe David Home Page |
Tippen |
Keith G. Brooks | NONE |
Tubbs | Shirley Runnels | Shirley Shipman Runnels Genealogy Page |
VANDYKE | Peggyann Bankston Mays | none |
Vines | Joe David | Joe David Home Page |
Weathers | Christine Fung | none |
Weatherly | David Harvey | None |
WEDEMAN | Lynn Denton | None |
WEEKS/WEEAKS | Evelyn Hodgkins | William Basil WEEKS/WEEAKS wife #1 Lydia Alma WEEKS # 2 Missouri Night WEEKS |
WHITELEY | S A Erickson | |
West | Russ N Cindy | Researching the families of James Anderson WEST married to Buena Almina STANTON and Asa Lee LEWIS married to Mary Matilda SORRELLS. |
White | Devorah Smith Jen Peel |
None |
WHITSON | Kirsten Lamberton | None "I don't have a web page, but would be happy to correspond with other researchers." |
WILCOX | Carla Ratcliff | None |
WILKINS | Jen Peel | None |
WILSON | Jen Peel | None |
Willis | Shelly | Lewis and Shores Genealogy Page |
Wright | Willie Ann McColloch | If there is a descendant of John Higgins Wright's family who would correspond with me I would appreciate hearing from them |
Saved for your Surname | Your e-mail address | let us visit your homepage |
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